Tue 5th January

 Condor Racing

The regular Tuesday afternoon task was a Gold badge 200km triangle in the French Alps near Chambery, with Stewart Henshall, Dan Hender, Simon Leeson, John Davies and Jill Harmer all in LS4a. All but Simon had already completed the Condor Gold badge, but this was a new task and slightly more difficult. 

The first leg was a straight ridge run to the turnpoint Talloires,and then it was heading out into the valley downwind to find some thermals. After the second turnpoint Marlioz, we all made a dash back to a ridge and with the sky turning into lenticulars, we started searching for a transition into the wave. 

 The ridge was just in phase and it was a relatively easy climb straight up to 20,000ft, along track. Dan had a moment of madness, when he realised what the True Air Speed was at 20,000ft and and the effect on Vne. (oops! note to self). Stewart, Simon and Jill continued on track round Grenoble and back to Challes, whilst John was running late and landed at Challes.


Stewart's flight

Well done all - another great adventure in wave. - J&P