Tue 3rd November - Ad-hoc Day

The forecast predicted strong winds, generally westerly, with showers and sunny periods. Overnight rain meant a delay before we could get onto the field but a pitch inspection at 9:30 revealed the field generally and particularly the newly sown areas had drained well. Predictably a heavy shower then swept through.  Given a paucity of members present we only prepared one K21 for flight.

The field was set up with the winch in the north west corner and launch point a little way from the north eastern corner.   The wind sock was straining from the mast but straight down the launch run. First launch waited for low cloud to clear and Peter Smith decided on a Met flight  to judge in particular the conditions in the circuit and approach. Gordon Bonney volunteered to be ballast.  A very short ground run and a smooth climb delivered by Andy Davey in the winch produced a spectacular release height. Anxious to return to those on the ground we burnt the height with a loop and chandelles and found a very lively latter part of the circuit.

In between showers (Stu Procter)
The wind strength slowly decreased and the numbers on the list increased (wonders of the webcam and Spot the glider) sufficient to justify a Junior being brought out and put to good use. Showers and squalls were persistent throughout the day. A heavy shower mid-afternoon followed by an into-sun approach dampened the enthusiasm and the gliders were washed and put to bed by 16:30hrs . Everyone present flew and it was good to see Roly back in a glider. The newly buried  telecoms wire worked a treat.

For several of us unable to fly tomorrow it will provide pleasant memories to sustain us through the lockdown. - Peter Smith

Condor Racing

Late afternoon, the Condor racers and spectators headed for the Alps for a task from Puimoisson to Briancon, with Dan Hender and Matt Howard in EB28s, Stewart Henshall and David Clements in Discus2s and Jill Harmer in DuoDiscus. The 150km run was reasonably straightforward with the boy racers leading the field, David not far behind and Stewart hanging around to assist Jill. Stewart and Dan then dashed off to Norway for some more mountain flying in the Norwegian Cup. Come and join us. - J&P