Condor Racing
Stewart's Briefing:
" 116km - NH2 (North Hill N) - TAU (Taunton) - CWC (Crowcombe Court) - LAG (Langport) - BWE (Bridgwater East) - WLS (Wells) - HAD (Halesland)
Wind 230/12kts - strong thermals, cloud base ~4500’.
School class :weary:
No PDA :exploding_head:
Winch launch.
Start below 4000’ QNH
Finish above 1500’ QNH
All TP's 1000m radius, 360 degrees. Turnpoints will only be visible within 2000m.
Task start 1 min after stop join.
Start window 30 mins.
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This is another Nav task with 'No PDA'. Some preparation will be required for the task.
There is a fair tailwind component to most of the flight, and the lift is very good - it's a booming day. An average of 5kts is definitely achievable. Which is good 'cos you will need to spend some effort on navigation 'sans PDA'.
With the wind you may find some helpful ridge lift on legs 2, 3 & 6. "
Homework done, another group of Condor Racers took to the air on Sunday evening, and at North Hill it was booming. Heading off down track conditions started to get a little interesting - but then it was the Somerset Levels after all. Stewart had breezed round the task on his practice run, but true to form, the Levels became more than a bit tricky low down today, and even Dan struggled.
But it was a good navigation exercise and true to life remember Pete Startup always says 'Don't go near the Levels', except when there's any East in the wind(PS edit). - J&P