The cold frosty night turned into a thick misty morning by the time we all arrived at North Hill. The forecast was for it to clear and so it did, eventually. In the meantime five of the six club gliders were DI'd and taken to the north west launch point, we were Daily Briefed by Glenn and many cups of tea were drunk before the sky cleared enough for the first launch.
Glenn Turpin and Pete Smith aided by Andy Pincombe worked through the two-seater flying list which was not very long as most of those present were solo pilots. Charlie West (Julian's son) had his first glider flights, Aston Key returned from a long layoff and there were two trial flights carried out by Dave Perriam and Shaun Dayman.
Flights were unspectacular and relatively short in the begin conditions with only the crosswind to contend with. The misty conditions that had plagued the start of the day were present further afield with a stunningly sharp inversion line on the horizon in all directions. Towards the end of the day it wasn't the misting canopies that halted the flying but the bright setting sun. Luckily everyone had flown at least once.
Working through the two-seater list (Dave Clements)
Despite the later than normal start there was plenty of flying to be had and enjoyed by all. Everyone worked hard all day keeping things flowing without many stoppages which was much appreciated by the instructors. - Mark Layton