Sat 1st March

The first day of Meteorological Spring  - delivered!

Clear blue skies, then wispies, and tempting looking clouds  out of reach! So James Flory was  standing in as Duty Instructor, with Stu Procter Tuggie and Andy Batchelor Duty Launch Marshall (all day).

Clouds to the south (James Hood)


Winching was possible with the airfield drying out in the sunny weather and  fairly strong north easterly wind. And the good forecast brought out the members and private owners in force,  with the soaring starting just before lunchtime,  Simon Minson SM, Pete Startup in 230, Rich Roberts in V5, plus the SF27  and Dan Hender rigged K6 DRE. 

Hoping the wispies work (Pete Startup)


Pete 230 completed a 101km out and return to Eaglescott, and Dan landed out at Brentor, but most were happy to stay local. - J&P