Not sure which part of my Friday night message put people off but it was only a select few at the club house when I arrived. Shame because we did fly and it was fun!
Cloudy but not low cloud (John Pursey)
The select few included Tristan Oxer (14) returning from a recent “first flight” experience, and usual stalwarts Shaun Dayman, Alan Turner, duty man Nick Harrison, Ashley Turner and of course James Flory.
Tristan Oxer with John Pursey (Shaun Dayman)
To keep to my word about flying, we pulled two K21s to the west end and set the winch out in the middle of the field to avoid soft spots. Short-handed, we did manage to keep both 21s flying, thanks to Alan then Shaun winching and retrieving. Things got easier when we were joined by Mike Wilmott and Stuart Procter! The fresh breeze gave near 1500ft launches (thanks Alan) and with Tristan on a rapid learning curve (14..!) as we went through the effects of controls I subtly tried to work out if there was any soaring to be had!
Looks like it should have been waving.... (John Pursey)
The internet forecast had suggested low cloud but in truth it was plenty high and had a vague wavy feel. No classic SE wave, however, and the with sporty approaches the fun aspect was still in doubt! With all who wanted to having flown I took Tristan’s mum....
Coat holding in the cold wind (John Pursey)
....who had nobly stood in the wind, coat holding, for a flight. With no wave, I gambled on the far side of Hembury ridge and had a very pleasant 50 mins soaring the hill lift having a chat with Sheena!
John going soaring on Hembury Hill (Shaun Dayman)
Shame fewer folks turned up than usual, you have to be “in it to win it” as they say, but thanks to the stalwarts, I at least had fun!
The other side of Hembury Hill (John Pursey)
PS People forget that the other side of Hembury ridge is even steeper than the side we see from the club. Driving down to Honiton took a look at the bit that worked and it is short but a great shape. - John Pursey
Tug Hangar insulation completed (James Hood)
And thanks to James Hood, Dave Weeks and Simon Leeson for completing the insulation of the tug hangar doors.