Tues 4th June - Course Week

 Well, day two of the course and not quite as good as yesterday !!!
The day starts with me thinking about getting up and what do I see, the winch passing the window at 0700, being driven to the west end,  I’m convinced Ashley doesn’t sleep ….All attended to and looking out of the window the cloudbase appeared to confirm what the forecast had predicted. Low !!
However, our two stalwart instructors decided we were not going to be beaten, and set a 10,000 step challenge for all by having launch failure practise, which everyone enjoyed immensely !!!! The clouds seeing we were not going to be beaten backed off and we were away. First few launches avoided the clouds, well almost, and a number went to full height, some even played on the ridge, alas, not for long.

Low cloud at times (Dave Perriam)

 All flew, Chris and Paul our two newcomers had some fun in the simulator, and all benefited from a different but interesting day.
Julian even reacquainted himself with the winch, to which his planned gentle reintroduction to normal launching ended up with low, medium, high failures and just for fun a slow power failure as well. (Nothing to do with me honest !!!! Hee Hee)
 That about sums up the day, not a good flying day but a lot of good progression on a number of fronts. 
Hoping for a better forecast tomorrow. - Dave Perriam