Thurs 20th June

 Thursday turned out to be a very good day with the instructors encouraging us to do mini cross-country’s which was great. Geoff Lawrence got to Chard with Woolly. 

Perkoz tow behind Bumblebee (George Vojtisek)

Great climbs 8 to 10 knots at times - corresponding sink but all great fun! - George Vojtisek
Cumulus in the distance (George Vojtisek)

 The Thursday regulars were greeted with a warm morning under a blue sky and a promise of soaring as the day warmed further. A light SE wind dictated a set up to launch from the West end. It was even warm enough for shirt sleeves at the west end. Two K21’s the Perkoz and a Junior were DI’d before the Briefing by Duty Instructor Steve Westlake, then walked to the west end. 
Waiting to launch (Steve Lesson)
The first four flights were short but the fifth, Rob Rand and Steve, found a thermal in the blue to start a climb  which resulted in a 58 minute flight.  Followed by Dave Perriam in the junior who eventually was called down after 84 minutes. The Cumulus started to arrive and the day remained soarable right through to 18:00. 
DD3 (Steve Lesson)

Four private gliders rigged. DG200 JDD Paul Medlock, Pete Startup Discus 230, John Borland DG300 FAJ and Duo Discus DD3 JB  and Phil Morrison. All disappeared for long flights. The longest being Pete S at 4hours 8 minutes. Alan Rappaport was kept busy flying 10 tows in FLBX (bumblebee) standing in for  the unserviceable Red Fox. Thanks Alan and the Bumblebee syndicate. As the club flying drew to a close Stuart Procter took a friends and family aerotow in the Perkoz followed by Dan Hender Friends and Family. Both had extended flights in the dying soaring conditions. 
Dave Perriam helping with flying Mike Rigby's  evening group (Mike Rigby)

The day then continued into the evening  with a Mike Rigby evening flying group of friends and family and 16 more launches. Many thanks to Chris Wool for running the evening supported by Dave Perriam and Simon Jordy and the launch team. It was good that it was the longest daylight day as the last flight landed at 21:02.  A total of 37 winch launches, 10 aerotows and a total of 31 and a half hours airborne. - John Borland

"A modest excursion. DG300 FAJ. With the thermals popping  I delayed lunch and winch launched. A few scrappy climbs some in the blue and I had enough height to venture out the M5 and a cautious run up to Taunton TAU. A nice cloud street gave a run down to Chard CHA. A run on to Crewkerne look possible but half way there a big blue hole meant a swift 180 and a fast run west on an energy line at 70kts with little or no height lose to HHL. Then  CUL, NH2 and home. Oudie said 6 legs 116km or an 85km triangle!" - John Borland FAJ

" NH2 - Roadford - Glastonbury - Crediton - NH2 304kms   Nice 'n easy - unlike most of my flights this year! And across the Somerset Levels 2 days running!"- Pete Startup 230
"NH2 - Knowstone - Westbury - NH2 227kms Nice day but as usual it didn't get going at North Hill til lunchtime. Rasp said it would be better to stay north so we set Knowstone on Exmoor, Westbury and return. Not surprisingly It felt a bit slow across the Somerset levels - which were still 70% under water, but we tip-toed along and once past Glastonbury it picked up. We both agreed that it's more relaxed with two!" JB and Phil Morrison DD3