Thur 23rd May

 In recent weeks we have had to trudge to the far end of the airfield with all the equipment before we could fly. Today was different we were actually launching to the West! It was very cold!! Dave Weeks even had to change into long trousers, once the shorts come on they normally stay on till November!

Simon Leeson and I were staying on site, at 7am we went to the tug hangar to deep clean the EuroFox only to be met by night owl Ashley Thomas coming onto site! The  reliable Thursday crowd arriving steadily after that. The list was long but with plenty of instructors on site, winch drivers, and tuggies jockeying for pole position, we were confident we could deliver!

Martin Woolner and Chris Wool  enjoying some time in the Perkoz (Mark Courtney)

 The instructor team consisted of Mike Sloggett (lead), myself, Simon Leeson, Stuart Procter, Martin Woolner, Steve Westlake, Chris Wool and James ( I’d like to fly) Flory. Why can’t there be that many instructors when I’m on duty! 

New member Andrew Chisholm practiced landings and circuits in the simulator with Steve Westlake, before putting into practice what he had learnt in the real thing - a K21. This proved very valuable as he was doing the landings when he flew. Lesson to all, practice for free then go fly!

We were all delighted to see Dave Cowley today after a long layoff, Dave even managed a flight in the EuroFox with Simon Leeson, he did comment that he had bigger model aircraft at home!

Perkoz being checked (Mark Courtney)

Low cloudbase early on curtailed aerotows but when the sky started to open up people were keen to take advantage of the new pricing structure. 

Soaring was possible from the off with the WNW wind boosting any buoyant air, Pete Startup had the longest flight of the day (that came as a shock to us all!) at 80 mins. 

The DG was derigged until the new rudder pedal adjustment pin arrives and the second Junior was rigged to fill its place in the hangar.

The evening  group took over at 5:45 ish and flew until late.  51 winch launches and 9 aerotows. I’m really hoping that Dave Weeks needs his shorts again soon! - Mark Courtney