Well it has certainly rained a bit since the beginning of the month.....and the field is too wet again to use.
But there were plenty of things going on before the AGM started at 18:00.
Good turnout for the AGM 2023 (Simon Leeson)
The Chairman highlighted the massive number of small projects that had occurred in the last 12 months with thanks to all our member volunteers. The Membership Secretary pointed out that we had far more recruits this year than leavers. The Treasurer highlighted that we need to build up our reserves again after our recent large purchase of the Eurofox. The CFI confirmed what everyone knew that with a couple of exceptions, the weather at North Hill had not been the soaring season that we had all hoped for, but achievements were still noted. The Management Committee were reconfirmed in post.
The trophies were awarded as follows (more details on the DSGC website):
Trophy | Awarded for | Current Holder 2023 |
Brian Master's Trophy | Winner of the Task Week | not awarded |
Dave Fewings Memorial Shield | Best two-seater flight from North Hill | Phil Morrison & John Pursey |
The Kennedy Trophy | Best performance in a BGA rated competition | Dan Hender |
The Kelsey Plate | Longest cross-country flight from North Hill | Pete Startup |
Tim Parsons Trophy | Earliest declared and completed flight over 300kms from North Hill | Pete Startup |
The Wily Old Bird | personal presentation by the CFI for guile or cunning | Sally Hender |
The Rose Bowl | Winner of the Club Ladder (flights from North Hill) | Pete Startup |
The Ken Andrews Trophy | Best flight in a glider with handicap 90 or less from North Hill | Andy Davey |
Tim's Challenge Trophy | First O/R to Lasham in a glider with handicap 90 or less from North Hill | not awarded |
Francis Bustard Tankard | Best gain of height | Pete Startup |
Presidents Trophy aka The Norman Whyte Shield |
Best progress | Dan Hender |
Instructor of the Year | Member online vote | James Flory |
Les' Tankard | Best contribution to the Club by a Junior member | Joel Roulson |
The Dick Wolff Trophy | Best contribution to the Club by helping others | Sally Hender |
Des Champ Vachables Trophy | The member who achieved the greatest retrieve epicness | James Smart |
Le Magnifique Pissoir | The most flights scoring less than 100pts on the ladder | not awarded |
Mike Fairclough's Diamond Cup | The member who has achieved a Diamond leg | Stewart Henshall |
Following the awarding of trophies, we enjoyed a great supper cooked by regular paella / risotto chef John Pursey with help from Alan Rappaport and Phil Morrison, with profit donated to DSGC Charitable Trust. - J&P