Fri 21st July - Course Week

 Wow what a week! Great weather, superb company and super instructors. 

July 2023 Course (James Flory)

 As on all the previous days this week the weather gods were looking after us, it was warm, thermic with only a gentle westerly wind. The day started as usual with the daily briefing in the clubhouse then it was out to unpack the hangar, whilst the swallows emerged to show us how it’s done, swooping down to pick up the insects rising from the gently warming grass. 

A short pull over to the northeast end of the field and we were ready for the start of another great day. In the air the lift was good enough to sustain some good soaring flights for some and for others the wind was predictable allowing some focused circuit bashing uncluttered by other traffic. 

At height, when you had the time and headspace to take it all in, the visibility was great giving us clear views of both coasts, the Severn Estuary and Wales beyond.

ed: Well done to Nicholas Johnson who converted to the Junior and enjoyed long local soaring flight

Well done Nicholas  converting to Junior (Karen King)

 Smiles all round we returned to the clubhouse at the end of the day to reflect on an excellent week of gliding and to drink a well-earned beer. Thanks to the Instructors James Flory and Glenn Turpin and Helpers Tim Petty, Karen King and Emma Flory. - Nicholas Johnson