Thur 10th November

 This week the Wednesday fliers had the better midweek weather, with the low cloud being very reluctant to move from North Hill on Thursday. A pitch inspection suggested that it would be aerotow-only if the cloud would lift high enough - but not to be.

The Thursday Regulars set to with some ground tasks including derigging the K6 DRE and rigging Junior LRD which has just completed its Annual - thanks to Carl Tharme and team for the quick turnround.

Volunteers doing the housework (Jill Harmer)

 The  ground vehicles were all fueled, the Hangar floor was swept, patio furniture was cleaned and put away for next year, and the drain across the front of the hangar was cleaned out. 

After lunch, newer members Nicholas Johnson and Paul Harman enjoyed some simulator time with Pete Harmer, general handling and launch failures at a sunny North Hill plus a bit of wave flying to 22,000ft over Interlaken. - J&P