Sat 26th November

 Flying had been cancelled  based on yesterday evening's forecast of southerly gales and heaps more rain, but there were things to do in the Clubhouse - The planned AGM was moved from the Ground hangar to the Clubhouse as even with Kevin's sound system the rain would be too noisy on the tin roof. So the Christmas decorations were put up in the Clubhouse and preparations for the AGM and the meal after continued through the afternoon. 

AGM starting (Simon Leeson)

The AGM itself was well attended with 57 members and was reasonably straightforward with the normal reports and expectations for next year and many thanks to all our members who give their time freely volunteering, in order to keep the Club running and indeed "thriving".. It was great to see some of our new members attending the AGM. 

The Clubhouse is filling up (Simon Leeson)

Thank you to the outgoing CFI Stu Procter and the outgoing Committee for all their hard work over the last 12 months, and welcome to new CFI Mark Courtney and joining the Management Committee are Gordon Hutchinson and George Sanderson,  with James Hood and Dave Perriam being reelected.

Following the AGM there were the presentations for achievements and Trophies full details are on the website, but in brief

Trophy Awarded for Current Holder 2022
Brian Master's Trophy Winner of the Task Week not awarded
Dave Fewings Memorial Shield Best two-seater flight from North Hill Ron Johns & Pete Startup
The Kennedy Trophy Best performance in a BGA rated competition Pete Startup
The Kelsey Plate Longest cross-country flight from North Hill Phil Morrison & Nick Jones
Tim Parsons Trophy Earliest declared and completed flight over 300kms from North Hill Pete Startup
The Wily Old Bird personal presentation by the CFI for guile or cunning Rob Hender
The Rose Bowl Winner of the Club Ladder (flights from North Hill) Pete Startup
The Ken Andrews Trophy Best flight in a glider with handicap 90 or less from North Hill Stewart Henshall
Tim's Challenge Trophy First O/R to Lasham in a glider with handicap 90 or less from North Hill not awarded
Francis Bustard Tankard Best gain of height Phil Morrison & Nick Jones
Presidents Trophy
aka The Norman Whyte Shield
Best progress Stewart Henshall
Instructor of the Year Member online vote James Flory
Les' Tankard Best contribution to the Club by a Junior member Ella Penny / Connor Williams
The Dick Wolff Trophy Best contribution to the Club by helping others Peter Smith
Des Champ Vachables Trophy The member who achieved the greatest retrieve epicness  Dan Hender
Le Magnifique Pissoir The most flights scoring less than 100pts on the ladder Stewart Henshall


Some of the Trophy winners (Simon Leeson)

Congratulations to all

After this North Hill cafe delivered a great supper as usual - thanks to Cheryl and Graham, and then there was the Prize raffle with all proceeds going to our new DSGC Charitable Trust - thank you to all those who donated prizes and everyone who bought tickets from Sally.  

Some members stayed for the evening supper (Simon Leeson)


And finally the evening was rounded off by one of Sally's  fun quizzes  on aviaton, except we had to resort to Siri to get the answers as they had gone missing!

A great evening - Thanks to all. - J&P