Wed 27th July

The Wednesday Crowd gathered in strength under the cloud of John's retirement from Instructing and we tried to carry on with his way of doing things -  not easy.

In spite of numbers and enthusiasm, the grid  was set up by 09:30, but we were hampered by a few technical problems and a slightly awkward field layout and flying didn't get going until just after 10:00. John's absence as an instructor was compensated for (in part) by Peter Field whose task as Tuggie for the day was re-designated as backseat in a K21, thank you Peter. 

The weather, a bit flat at first brightened up for a while and some local soaring was to be had before total cloud cover largely killed the lift. With several newer members, a trial lesson and a 'walk in' we struggled to cope with the flying list and it is on such occasions that one appreciates the hard work and support of the club members carrying out the many mundane tasks willingly. Thank you. 

Lovely evening for a spot of flying (Lisa Humphries)

The day shift was in turn replaced by James Flory and  the evening crew for a pleasant evening's member flying.  - Glenn Turpin 

"What a great evening, thanks everyone and especially to James  for making the evening possible." - Paul Summers