Sun 3rd April

 There was a large number of members at the airfield first thing, so the Launchpoint was set up early at the west end. Flying began early, with the first launch before 10am! There were 15 names on the two seat flying list, and with duty instructor, James Flory, on his own, the decision was made to reduce training to two flights each, however Chris Wool kindly helped out in the second K21.

During the day Nick Jones, Peter Smith and Paul Medlock successfully seeded and rolled the newly turned ground.

Then the private owners started appearing on the airfield, W7 took the first winch launch with SM, 230, G29 and CLM, following. 711, JDP, JB and DRE then took aerotows to follow. Most made it back!!! 

SM passing Exeter (Simon Minson)

 " NHL - LAU - IWE - NHL 312kms. That was hard work. A good run down to Launceston but at Okehampton heading East we hit the first area of spreadout, one of several we encountered on the rest of the flight. Long glides - just as well the thermals were good when you got to them! With no visible route home from Yeovil I had to make a desperate dash to the coast where a bit of a convergence helped me back. With SM and W7. " Pete Startup 230


SM in  a convergence at Lyme Regis (Simon Minson)

First flights were taken by Chris Andrew, Alec Starkey and Thomas Gunner, all of whom enjoyed the experience with either Paul Summers or Tom Sides.

Ian Mitchell was Duty Instructor for the afternoon, taking over the still extensive list, however with continued support from the other instructors, they successfully completed the flying list at 5:40pm, thank you so much to the very few members who stayed to the end and helped pack away. - Sally Hender