Sun 10th April - Portmoak

 Well Team Hender and James Smart were there for the 9:30am briefing! Dan had managed to squeeze in his site check Saturday afternoon, so James got on the list early to sort his out.

James and Rob sorting out the covers on 877(Sally Hender)

Meanwhile DRE and DD3 were rigged for the day, all the others were already under their covers.
After finally managing to sort out the ‘click and glide’ facility, gliders were pulled on to the line for the winch launches. 

Pete Startup (230) took the first launch of the North Hill visitors at about 11am, followed by Ron and Dan Johns (711 otherwise known as ?BE)! Then Dan Hender DRE, James Smart 877, Phil Morrison and Nick Jones DD3 and Eric Alston G29 respectively, followed them. All did local soaring within approximately 20km of the airfield enjoying ridge and thermal flying, while avoiding the duvets, all doing around 2.5 hours. 

Rob missed out on the ridge lift (Sally Hender)

 Rob Hender meanwhile, finally got a launch at 14.40, just as the wind died, and managed three circuits! But enjoyed the sights over the loch and experiencing a new airfield.
We all packed up and headed for the pub after an enjoyable day on the airfield. - Sally Hender