An interesting zig-zag route from North Hill to Halesland which most did in K21s, with good but sometimes sparse thermals.
A good turnout, out of the 8 who started, 7 completed, with 1 bravely doing it on his own as he got disconnected due to computer issues - well done Kevin Fairburn. Some of the group had flown this route on Condor over a year ago, but thought it worth another go, particularly as it was without PDA so we had to navigate with maps and the mark one eyeball. Kevin who has only recently joined the group of online racers, had never done one of these before so he was definitely thrown in at the deep end.
We run Condor races online on Tuesday and Sunday evenings if you would like to join in, fly, or watch a live stream and listen to the banter, then Stewart Henshall has written some useful notes to get you started - Chris Warnes