Sun 16th January

Almost 60 DSGC members showed up at the club on Sunday. We’re guessing it was the hope of experiencing the Eurofox 915 demonstration that Chairman Nick had arranged. 

Rigging K6 DRE in the orographic fog (Mark Courtney)

  The ever-optimistic Juniors, led by Dan Hender, rigged the K6 DRE,  but Mother Nature (and the North Hill micro-climate) still showed that she has the upper hand by enshrouding the hill in orographic fog. Despite the forecast, the fog didn’t start dissipating until after 10 am, and by then, the Eurofox dealer (who was also experiencing weather issues at his airstrip) notified us that that he would have to cancel the demonstration.

Ever hopeful for some currency circuits (Mark Courtney)

  So with so many “willing” bodies milling around, chores and projects were hastily arranged. A minor repair to the tug hangar, a gear box oil change on the mower, rigging HCX after its annual inspection and of course de-rigging DRE were all completed along with endless cups of tea and coffee.

Repairing the minor modification to the Tug hangar (Tom Sides)


 It wasn’t until 1pm that the skies started  to openup sufficiently for any potential flying, but by then, many of the members had given up and gone back home. Mark Courtney and Simon Leeson managed to utilise a 1 hour window to fly Rotax  Falke, primarily to maintain currency.  Another date for the Eurofox demo is being arranged. - Tom Sides