Wed 10th October

Another hot Wednesday at North Hill, but with a strong southeasterly wind, for a change there was quite a long flying list - so it was up to the Northwest corner.
Walking up to the top of the airfield (John Street)
There was little chance of any soaring so Roly Clarke,  Chris Warnes and David Clements decided in the 'at times' blue card conditions to get their card ratings renewed, so quite a few flights were launch failures.
Check flights (John Street)
We had one Mile High Trial Lesson Visitor and a quarterly member returning after his trial lesson, and along with the testing conditions, the day was well used getting the card checks out of the way. John Street 

And with Denbigh High Flyers having a rest day, it was time to check out the increasing number of woodland walks and sculptures at Lleweni Park. 
Delightful sculptures  on woodland walks (Rowan Smith)