Everyone arriving at
North Hill this morning agreed that it had the best weather for miles.
The field was high enough to not be affected by the fog, but instead we
had to make do with a fairly decent haze. Mark Courtney was quick to
point out he wasn't duty instructor, although in the temporary absence
of Stuart, was also quick to make the most of the opportunity to get
people to do jobs he rather wouldn't. Like walk the gliders to the west
end of the field for example.
were short, but apart from the lack of horizon, conditions were fairly
straightforward - no clutching hand to contend with. An excellent day
for circuit practice. Matthew Williamson was busy in ASW20 611 doing
just that, while getting used to all the additional knobs and levers.
Mark Courtney flew tug hangar electrician Mark on a couple of flights to
try and impart the joy of gliding. This produced the longest flight of
the day at 14 whole minutes. The view was minimal along with the lift,
so a speedy jaunt along the south ridge followed by a side slip to land
were used to inject some excitement. Mark then introduced him to old
grey men with hats and beards to balance out the excitement.
rest of the day consisted of 5 minute circuits with a few card checks
thrown in to liven up Mark and Phil Morrisons day. There were
occasional annoying little spots of lift to the south, but they seemed
fleeting. Apart from Mark, the only other person to be in the right
place at the right time was Mr Williamson for an ELEVEN minute flight
(as confirmed by spot the gliders log AND the impeccable club logging -
never believe an Oudie - work of the devil). Showers were predicted for
1pm initially, then 2. Flying was hurried along in case they arrived,
but they didn't. Students eventually dried up and everything was flown
back to the hangar for a 3pm finish.
Great day for circuit practice! - Tim Peters