Monday 11th April Nympsfield

With the forecast showing a front passing at midday and the wind veering to 290° at 15 kt Pete and I eagerly took up Trevor Stuarts offer of a lead and follow exercise which would allow us to fly from Nympfield to Bath race course and then to Lower Clopton at the north end of the Cotswolds and then back to Nym for a task distance of 179 km. Having arrived and rigged by 10am, many cups of tea were had waiting for the front to go through eventually, at 1430, but once it did conditions were booming, so much so that Andy Davis arrived and did the task in his Duo Discus using the ridge for a bit and thermals for the rest.

Trevor zooming along in negative flap
Visibility was excellent and the views in the afternoon sun were stunning.

Pete cruising in 230

As we were packing up, the forecast for tomorrow was looking awesome and there was even talk of setting a big task. Should we stay or should we go?