Day 2
The day started with a light northerly breeze and strong sunshine, the first visitors arrived at 0830am. Flying started quickly before breakfast. Around lunch time the wind changed to south-east when we changed sides and then 2 launches later it changed again - to south-west and we had to change ends causing a little problem with flying queues building. It became soarable through the afternoon, which meant we had to limit some of the flight time to ensure everyone flew.
Stories of the Day
"Sam Cotterall with 1000hrs in a Lockheed F104 Starfighter serving with USAF in Vietnam had ejected from one of his 8hour combat air patrols. He was also an instructor in a T33 Shooting Star, his last flight was in an Antonov 2 in 1996, and today, he handled the K13 brilliantly.
"Steve Welch attended a two-week course at North Hill and remembers cloud flying with Mike Fairclough in a Bergfalke, he vowed to return, and 37 years later he brought his daughter Bonnie along to fly.
A large number of visitors turned up who were staying at the local Forest Glade caravan park.
There were 79 flights today and 3 new members have signed up for the special membership. We have also sold 6 voucher flights. We have raised £170 for the Devon Air Ambulance.
Thanks again to H for the refreshments and to the club members for running the launching so efficiently. Special thanks to Trevor for the organisation.
The evening was complete with an impromptu barbeque run by Cheryl.