Saturday 2nd May

With a reasonable soaring day in prospect, the Club was busy from early on with lots of ab initio and further training.
Tea and medals today go to Ed of the Exeter Uni GC who went solo today - well done Ed!
230 attempted NHL-CER-WEG-OKE-NHL but abandoned the task just 6km short of OKE which was in sea air by the time he got there. Lots of other soaring done by private and Club gliders.
Lookout was tested even more than normal as many gliders from the East were using North Hill, Honiton, Okehampton and other local turnpoints today.
The K21 is back from Poland resplendant in it's new finish but it won't be available for use for another week.Many thanks to Dave Reilly for the marathon drive to go and get it!
Looks promising again tomorrow.