Fri 31st January

 After yet another week of wet weather, Thursday's forecast looked like an ideal day for some winter flying but unfortunately there was one major problem that scuppered the plan, an overly wet field! Having cancelled all flying for the day to give the field a chance to recover there was no doubt a lot of sad faces sat at home wishing 'if only!' It was not to last long as Pete Smith declared later in the day a chance of an extra flying day on the Friday as the field had drained surprisingly well. 

Grid ready (Mark Layton)

 The clubroom was full at the morning briefing and after the decision to both winch and aerotow both the K21's and the Junior's were DI'd and the field set for the northerly wind with the launch point at the eastern end.

Cumulus forming (Mark Layton)


The solo list was about 5 times as long as the two-seater and at the quick  launch point briefing after Pete Smith's met flight it was suggested to a few sniggers that we should limit flights to 30 mins (i.e. you'll be lucky) to enable everyone to fly. It was just as well because for about an hour or so in the middle of the day the thermals were working, generated by the wind over the north ridge. Some were lucky, some less so as it turned off as quickly as it had started.

After lunch it was basically circuits and most had another flight or two to top up their currency barometer whilst the opportunity was available. 

De-Mudding (Mark Layton)


After 18 winch launches and 5 aerotows the gliders were de-mudded, cleaned and back in the hanger by 15:30 before returning to the lovely warm clubhouse. - Mark Layton