Sat 6th January

 It was a bustling start today, with the gliding club buzzing as eager members, nearing the end of their currency, gathered early with the rare good weather. Simon Leeson, our dedicated duty instructor, inspected the pitch and initially announced a winch launch. However, after the first launch, a decision was made to switch to aerotow only.

Good turnround with 2 tugs (Andy Batchelor)

Undeterred, both K21s, a Junior, and a Perkoz were brought out, setting the stage for an exhilarating day of soaring adventures. Simon Leeson's enthusiasm prevailed, and with the Pawnee also in action, we operated with two tugs, much to the delight of the many onsite tug pilots. 

Stu looking relaxed after a little  tugging and soaring (Mark Courtney)

Around lunchtime, Pete Startup seized the opportunity in the DG505, soaring into the first thermal of 2024, signaling a promising start for the year ahead. 

Lenticulars over the Blackdowns (Connor Williams)

As the day unfolded, the skies treated us to a spectacle of lenticular clouds. Andy Davey reported wave activity at 4000ft, adding an unexpected dimension to our soaring experiences. 


Sun going down (Mark Courtney)

With the sun gracefully setting, the airfield was efficiently packed up by 16:30, concluding a day filled with camaraderie, exciting flights, and the promise of more adventures in the soaring skies. - Connor Williams