Wed 4th October

 The most challenging task of the day was getting to the club with the roads closed in all directions for resurfacing. Some got caught out by the diversions, whilst others just negotiated the cones after a chat with the friendly workmen. The flying list was therefore understandably somewhat short initially. 

Dark clouds (Mark Layton)

 Pete Smith started the two-seater training until Pete Warren arrived to give a helping hand using both K21's with the Junior keeping the solo pilots occupied. The light southwesterly wind gradually increased as forecast through the day which caused the yellow flag to be raised due to the wind sheer and turbulent approaches. 

Someone cleaned the canopy today (Mark Layton)

The sun burnt through the high cloud cover during the middle of the day allowing extended flights of up to 30 mins with Nick Harrison winning the day with 43 mins. The sky then continued to change constantly from being quite bright to very overcast giving various amounts of lift. 

Pete Warren and Julian West (Mark Layton)

 Luckily the massive raincloud to the north missed North Hill resulting in continued flying throughout the day with only a short break for lunch.

Retrieving the Junior (Mark Layton)

Dave Perriam also flew his DG100 and everyone got airborne with various degrees of success. - Mark Layton