Sun 10th September

With only six names on the two-seater list today, it looked like it was going to be a quiet one for the Duty Instructor, Mike Sloggett. We waited for the damp weather to clear first thing, so the first launch didn’t take place until 11:50am with a Met flight for Paul Medlock. Paul Summers was able to fly with all three Trial Lesson visitors with great success, all three thoroughly enjoying their experiences.

Sally looking after the hot Launch Control (Sally Hender)

 The weather still remained very hot today, so the decision was made at 1:30pm to stop for lunch, for an break and rehydration. Flying resumed with Rob Hender having card checks, the Junior was in demand with five pilots sharing the flights, John Borland getting the longest winch launch flight of the day with 11 mins. Sam Slattery and DLM, Graham Hawker both got a social flight nearing the end of the afternoon.

We finished the day, with Stirling having aerotow training and Dave Perriam taking a flight in the DG505, and had everything packed away by 5pm.
Thank you to everyone who helped on the airfield today, a limited but very efficient crew! - Sally Hender