Fri 2nd June - Brentor Expedition

 Well a good start to the three-day expedition at Dartmoor Gliding Society.

The happy band of Mark, Mike, Ashley, Rob and Dave all turned up around 08:00 to 08:15 for what was a lovely sunny day with a reasonable easterly breeze. The ASK21 was rigged and set ready to fly, and all attended the local brief and dare I say had breakfast!!

The Friday team (Mark Courtney)

 The days activities commenced with a number of shortish flights as the expected, promised, hoped for wave didn't arrive.

All flew the K21 and had a couple of flights each, with Rob finding some lift. The day progressed with Rob flying in the DGS K13 as did Ashley.

Brentor Church (Mark Courtney)

 The conditions improved as the day progressed with all managing a soaring flight between 30 and 45 mins ish and some difficult and broken lift to 3000ft testing the pilot patience.

KEK checking out Andy's Libelle (Mark Courtney)

 The day came to a close at about 17:30 and all went home happy !!! - Dave Perriam