Wed 3rd May

I thought I had turned up on the wrong day because at 9 am all the gliders had been DI'd, two were already at the west end and the field set up ready to go. Someone had obviously set their alarm clock early today!

Pete Smith's predicted forecast for the day was a gusty south easterly wind with possibly some thermic activity and that is exactly what we got! 

Perkoz at the Launch point (Mark Layton)

Both flying lists were long but the Junior list was slashed as the yellow card was changed to blue as the wind increased with the 'grabbing hand' behind the west ridge ready to catch out the unwary. Flights times were a bit hit or miss depending on timing with the thermals disappearing as quickly as they appeared, the 'wave influence' was very much in attendance and 30 minutes being the longest. 

Checking the weather (Mark Layton)

 With three quarters of the instructor team named Peter (Smith, Warren and Field) and one called Mike (Sloggett) they made their way through the flying list of which quite a few required the long awaited card checks. 

10knotter found by Trevor Russell (Peter Smith)

 Others carried on with their training,  generally enjoying the challenging conditions.

Inspection of the recently levelled areas (Peter Smith)

 An enjoyable day was had by all and well worth the effort - 39 launches! - Mark Layton