Team Eagle Jura Expedition

When the Chairman convinced a few of us to accompany him on a recce trip to Jura, we thought it was for his favourite tipple but when we ended up standing on Jura airstrip thinking “I wonder if a EuroFox and two-seater would get out of here” we realise there was more to this trip than whisky! 

Jura airstrip as seen from drone approach (John Pursey)

Little used, Jura airstrip when not producing silage, may well be a hidden gem for gliding.

The Paps (John Pursey)

 The hills behind include the Paps of Jura at 784m (technically Corbetts) possibly soarable in a number of wind directions. 

The Beach (John Pursey)

Downsides include no alternative fields aside the beach and a field at Ardlussa, but who needs fields with hills that high! The ferries to get there added to the romance and the scenery was out of this world. 

The reason for coming....? (John Pursey)

 Maybe as an addition to a Portmoak trip it might make sense, to help explain the long drive. No doubt the Eurofox trailer designs sketched out last year will get a dusting off on the drive home… - John Pursey