Sun 22nd January

 After a successful day of flying yesterday, we were hopeful of another great flying day today. Even the frost and cold not putting people off. Even though we had slightly fewer members than Saturday showing up, we still had the airfield set up and gliders ready for the first launch at 10:05am.

CFI Mark being checked out by Wooly (Mark Courtney)
Duty instructor Ron Johns taking the first launch, and afternoon instructor Mike Sloggett taking the second. There were only ten names on the two-seater list, and just five on the single-seat, so the instructors had a fairly leisurely day!!!! 

Tug duties shared out (Rob Hender)

The tug pilot Robert Lee, graciously shared the tugging with both Pete Warren and James Flory.

Connor getting some exercise (Rob Hender)

As the day warmed up however, the ground became softer, and as we got to the stage where everyone had flown, the decision was made to pack up, rather than offer extra flights, to protect the airfield from damage.

Cleaning the mud (Rob Hender)

The last launch was at 1:20pm, and after a total of fifteen glider flights, another successful day. Thank you to everyone for their assistance on the field. - Sally Hender