Thurs 26th May

After yesterday's low cloud and rain there was a glint of hope that Thursday would be flyable. The low cloud lifted into a flat overcast at 1800ft and with westerly wind the ridge was working.

Overcast but soarable on the ridge (Jill Harmer)

 So after a swift weather check, the club gliders were playing on the ridge all day returning to let others fly. There were a few check flights but most enjoyed the ridge and was it some wave in phase? as the air felt quite smooth in places. 

Exe Estuary (Mike Sloggett)

 Pete Startup 230 had the longest flight (just) just over 2 hours, but had to dash off (as he had only come out to get some sand and cement but had been seen on Glide & Seek!)

North Hill Airfield (Mike Sloggett)

Well done to Ashley Thomas who got his first 1 hour flight signed up and to George Sanderson for converting to the Perkoz.

Well done George converting to Perkoz (Jill Harmer)

 Unfortunately with the forecast for low cloud  / high humidity / fog  the planned evening group from Amulet Hotkey was postponed until next week. 

Thanks everyone - not a particularly warm May day, but at least it was soarable. - J&P