Wed 21st April

Wednesday's turn out was a bit disappointing as the forecast was reasonable, perhaps the prospect of another easterly day discouraged some. With three instructors available flying began in seemingly promising conditions some lift, some broken wave and increasing wind, leading to some quite challenging flights, the lift being more than balanced by sink.

Ron Johns was returned to currency, as was Nick Harrison and David Perriam, Andy Williams flew with Peter Warren, no doubt wisely in the conditions. Peter Smith took some time away from pursuing his flat earth policy and had a lively solo flight,  and the family West had training flights.
Once again Gordon Hutchinson aided by Jeff Taberham, did much winching and thank you for that. We paused for lunch and were able to remotely enjoy the delights of Graham and Cheryl's Catering.

The afternoon saw an improvement in the weather, the wind shifting and decreasing in the south. - Glenn Turpin