Wed 3rd March

Condor Racing

On Wednesday, we used the  final day task from the UK Junior gliding series ,  268kms in New Zealand. There were some rare weather conditions giving access to Haast on the west coast and a run back along the ridges above Lake Wanaka.

For once the thermals were good and easy to centre around Omarama, Dan led off showing the best route to cross the ridges to Haast, whilst Stewart decided to try a low-level fast route from the back of the pack.


After the turn at Haast, it was a bit tricky to find the best valley route and thermal climbs were needed, the field spread out a bit with Dan marking the best col to aim for. Having crossed the col it was an easy run down the west side of Lake Wanaka, and just one more thermal was needed at the turnpoint for the final glide. Great scenery. - J&P