Mon 20th August - Course Week

This morning we began our Course week with Reuben Buss as course leader. Only to be confronted by thick fog. 

Luckily the weather cleared up after various ground briefings, allowing Reuben and Josh to be cleared for solo and Charlie to be checked out, ready for solo tomorrow. Our new member and retired British Airways Training Caption Alan Stoneham made great progress. New member Oscar very much enjoyed his first day at a gliding club and first ever flights.
North Hill is going green again (Mike Sloggett)
All in all a great day. Thanks to all the course helpers and instructors! - Ross Pratt
Taking off at Exeter Airport (Jill Harmer)
Several members visited Flybe Training Academy at Exeter Airport, discussing mutual airspace considerations with Flight Operational Services Manager Captain Chris Jones.  They then enjoyed circuits at Exeter and Geneva in the Embraer Simulator with Training Captain and DSGC member James Smart in charge. Many thanks to James Smart and Flybe for organising this. - J&P