Wednesday 14th September

A reasonable flying list today with a good weather forecast except  for the early low cloud and poor visibility, but this soon cleared with the visibility becoming  excellent.
The wind direction was forecast to be southeasterly but it turned out to be southwest much to our relief. The launches seemed 100ft higher with the new dyneema  but late in the day the dyneema snagged on a damaged pulley wheel and we finished the day operating on one drum.
We were lucky with the weather because at lunchtime the low cloud returned and the tug was put away but shortly after lunch it cleared again to give us a beautiful afternoons flying.
Roly managed to fly all three of the Trial lesson visitors, there was no soaring to be had but the flying was very pleasant and all had a good time, Stu Procter and Matt Wright were the tuggies today, thanks to Paul C for standing in for John Sillett and we had a visit from David Bouchier from Brentor who is thinking of joining us.
Eastern Beech tree (Jill Harmer)
Sadly we have lost two of the biggest branches on our East facing beech tree, a tree surgeon will give a verdict on the health of the tree. - John Street.