Saturday 12th March

With a sensible forecast, the lack of rain, a bit of sun and wind unlikely to cut you in two a keen group of members arrived at the club hoping for an early start. 
Unfortunately the weather has the last say and with everything ready to go irritatingly low cloud and poor visibility forced a retreat to the clubhouse! Small groups engaged in various essential activities busied themselves until John P deemed it ready to fly mid morning!
From the off it was one of those days when despite everyone's best efforts, the launch rate was somewhat painful! Simon M spent the whole day entertaining Matt W and was untypically in relaxed mood! 
Pete St finalised some bits and pieces on the DG505 instead of rigging, Stuart and Martin rigged the LS3 KMV. Chris M had a couple of launches in the DG100 LRN and Alan T rigged and flew the B4 CYA after its ARC. 
Luton Minor flew in (Simon L)
Ian M flew the Luton Minor in for his PM duty slot which seemed to suffer from falling numbers.  
Oscar winching (Simon L)
Oscar L spent most of the afternoon on the winch whilst Louis L was in charge of retrieving anything that moved and stopped! 
Louis retrieving (Simon L)
An occasional tailwind added to the challenges to the afternoon flyers which continued until the light faded and the temperature dropped quickly! Tim L entertained Simon L with an unusual recovery from a simulated launch failure but obviously didn't frighten him too much as was happily seen sitting in the Junior LRD for two flights. 
Another North Hill  sunset (Simon L)
A few bits of lift provided a few lucky members with extended flights but most were short! Martin W had the longest flight 1hr 35 in KMV. All said and done, it was a very pleasant day and dare I say the first sign of Spring! - Simon, Oscar & Louis