Friday 9th October - Portmoak

After deciding the weather gods weren't favouring Denbigh, Matt, Ruth and Tom drove up to Portmoak on Thursday hoping for better forecasts there. Pete St elected to stay as a mild thermic day was predicted. It started off well, but as it collapsed under a complete spread out, Pete elected to join the others. Having only flown once in the last week, the cliche "In for a penny, in for a pound" comes to mind.

Friday found us with light southwesterly winds, but as Ron & Wooly were rigging the ASH, the rest felt so guilty, we also rigged. Launching right after lunch, there was sufficient lift to stay aloft on the Bishop until a rain squall came slowly through just north of the site. Wet wings and very low wind speeds don't combine well for ridge soaring, so everyone scuttled back. The forecast for the upcoming weekend isn't inspiring, so all are hanging on more out of stubbornness than real hope for epic soaring. - Tom