Friday 6th June - Course Week

Day 5 - A day of three halves. The morning started with a fairly light southsouthwesterly wind, unsoarable, so we flew lots of circuits. The weak cold front passed through North Hill at lunch time so we took an extended break. When we resumed, the wind had veered to west north west and strengthened. Initially the west ridge was soarable, then the thermals kicked off and the fun began. All the course members ended the day with a good soaring flight and left with smiles on their faces. We hope to see them all again.

A big thank you to all the ground helpers especially the winch crew on Thursday when they had a very trying time, (ed: and thanks to John and Guy for Instructing). - John Si
In the evening, another local scout group from Ottery St Mary enjoyed pleasant evening flights for their Scout aeronautics badge. - J&P