Saturday 23rd May - Open Weekend

It was a beautiful morning when we setup at 7:30am for our first day of the weekend open to the public. But as the start time approached the low cloud built up and when we were ready for the first launch, it was too low even for circuits. So after a slight pause of an hour a weather check launched to 850feet, just under the cloudbase, however the wind had now settled in the opposite direction to forecast, so a swift change of ends was needed.
Josh entertaining the crowds with his Safety Brief (Mark C)
Launching started apace, with many beaming faces enjoying their first flights in a glider. A little soaring was available during the day but flights were limited to 15 minutes. 
Organised car parking (Mark C)

Flying continued til late afternoon, but suddenly the wind changed into a tailwind and it was too late to change ends. So unfortunately, we were unable to fly the last few visitors, but some plan to come back tomorrow. 
Rowan flying one of the younger visitors (Mark C)
Thanks to all Instructors and Helpers for making the day go smoothly - 73 launches. - J&P