The forecast was for another spring start and for the cloud to spread out during the day, but with a lighter wind than yesterday. It was clear early on that we might be short of Instructors / Tug Pilots today due to holidays and sickness, but a quick call for help on google groups brought some helpers - thanks to all for responding.
It got nicely soarable about 11:30, and cloudbase rose to 3000ft and through the day the spreadout settled down into several streets and blue gaps. It stayed soarable til the end of the day.
Steve from Broadhembury enjoyed his Birthday present of a Mile High Trial lesson. There were 41 flights with a total flight time of more than 19 hours. Longest flight was Pete St with 2 hours visiting the normal upwind turnpoints.
Congratulations to Josef who was cleared to fly the Junior.
Josef flew the Junior (Jill) |
Another lovely spring day - J&P