Wednesday 11th February

Low cloud and an indifferent wind direction led to us deciding to wait to see what the weather was going to do before we set the field up.
Mike Fitz and team decided to change the R/H cable on the Skylaunch which had been giving trouble on Saturday, whilst John St. and team prepared the two K21s and a Junior and walked them up to the N/W corner. By the time the gliders were in place the winch was ready to launch and the murky weather had improved and the cloud base had risen to over 1500ft. 
Tony and Peter in K21 (John St)
Thanks to Peter Sm for looking after Wednesday flying whilst John Si has been away.
It was nice to see Mike Fitz back and looking well after his recent absence, after the delayed start everyone had as much flying as they wanted, Nick H had the longest flight of 15min. - JSt