Roger was back with the T21 for
an all day session. Chris C, Jack CW, Matthew W all had flights - Jack
and Matthew both soaring. Thanks to Roger for the amount of pleasure
flights he's completed, although he appears to enjoy it just as much as
his passengers. Matthew donated a bottle of red to help lubricate
his/his gliders joints.
Dave W and Mark C had a good flight of a couple of hours to the mountains just short of Porthmadog Wales.
P and Mark C launched at 4pm and following a 0.6 knot climb above site
eventually reached a height where conditions improved and achieved
5300 ft QNH. They headed west and got to just short of Welshpool on a
mini cross-country practice - thermalling techniques, cloud picking, etc.
Any spare height got burnt off on a 130 knot final glide back to Long Mynd in the early evening sunshine.
The evening began with more model flying (obviously), then half the group enjoyed steaks cooked by the amazing Helen/Dave combo and half went to Church Stretton for fish'n'chips/kebabs.
Congratulations to Dave Clements - nominated as 'most improved' pilot over the holiday.
After today's final flight Mark used an alternative word to
'staggering' to describe the day/week so far but Tim couldn't remember
what it was. All that matters is it meant the same!