Friday 7th September - Course week

Some courses fizzle out after the delights of the Thursday night dinner, but this course ended on a real high!
The placid conditions made it a perfect day for early solos  and so, like an "Olympic Super Saturday" when the medals keep coming, course members kept on soloing.
Andreas with a cheesy grin
 Just before lunch, Andreas and George V did their first solos within a couple of launches of each other and after a suitably festive meal carried on with more of the same.
George (left) congratulated by Paul

Towards the end of the day, Ray B joined the illustrious re-soloing.
Ray (left) congratulated by Paul
 Ian followed up his re-solo yesterday by converting to the Junior, clocking up seven  launches in the day. 
Meanwhile Glyn  continued to make good progress in the K13.

Many congratulations to everyone for achieving their goals.
Thanks to the weather, this course probably surpassed the previous one, with almost 150 launches in the week, 14.5 hours in the air, two first solos and two re-solos.
Thanks to Paul and JB for the back seatery and to helpers Les, Dick, Nick, Tom and Jonathan for the winching and all the other sundry tasks that kept things running. - Jonathan