Portmoak - Sunday 15th to Wednesday 18th April

Northerly winds making Benarty work.
Liam, Tom and Nigel were cleared to fly the ridge.
Henry converted to the Discus.
Simon Minson completed a seven hour flight to Pitlochry.

Thermic no ridges working. Thermals to 5,000 ft allowed Liam to gain his silver height.

Bishop, thermic with hail showers.
Simon Leeson in the ASW 20 explored Dundee and Perth.
Andrew Mugleston completed a six hour flight.

Overcast, drizzly, cloud on the hill. We went to Perth by car and witnessed the aftermath of four accidents on the M90 after a heavy hail shower.
Henry, Andria and Liam went on a road trip around the mountains. Mark, Simon and James went to Dundee.

After dinner, at 2000, we had a talk by John Williams about his recent thermic and wave flights. Going into more detail about what is possible in the Scottish mountains.

Overcast, drizzly, cloud on the hill again! So to Edinburgh by Train.

With the weather for the next week not looking great, the stragglers will have breakfast at the club and start the trip home.