Eventually the low cloud disappeared by early afternoon with the blue skies tempting the members still on site to set up the launch point in the South West corner of the field. The sunny afternoon saw a number of K21 and Junior flights, nothing spectacular but all very pleasant flying in the calm conditions.
The sun duly set on a good day all round - Mike S
Shower update:
Many thanks to Nick, Les, Mike S and Geoff for their fantastic efforts in helping today, things have really moved on! Also thanks to anyone who helped out yesterday when I wasn't there, it was great to see all the rubble from the demolition of the first wall cleared, as well as progress being made on stripping the wall and floor tiles. Thanks guys!!
The old interior walls have now been completely demolished, a bit of work is still needed to get the old concrete shower tray stands out, then the floor can be levelled and smoothed. I'll be around all week, if anybody feels like coming up to help you'll be most welcome and it will be very much appreciated! - Andrew M