Hot, hot, hot, and a gentle south easterly wind, Andrew L K6 managed to stay up on the South ridge for 21 minutes. The beach weather meant there were no pupils and very few members, the slack was taken up by trial lessons. Congratulations to Wyn for being cleared solo on aerotow, and moving into private ownership with the family glider LS7 480.
News from Talgarth
Briefing at 10am. Oh dear it does not look good. Wind Is south to south east still to 10knots. The worst conditions you can have at Talgarth. The duty instructor confirms that no heavy gliders are flying and that includes the Talgarth K21. We wait! The first launch finds weak wave but is back quickly. Gradually conditions improve but the tuggie is still not happy to tow out the DG or the K21. By now gliders are reporting wave over Langorse Lake to 4000ft. We wait and after lunch persuade tuggie to give it a go! Myself and Gerard McQuire strap in ready to go. Not the lightest of crews!! We bounce into the air taking off to the west. We miss the trees on tow out - just, and its a very slow climb behind the Pawnee to 3000ft over Langorse lake. We release in wave and 15 minutes later we are at 7800ft!
The next 3 hours are spent wandering around the Brecons. A great flight. Mark Wallis has a similar flight with Talgarth pundit Robbie Robertson in the K13. A good days flying from a gloomy start. - GA