Probably the best day of the week for both flying conditions and achievements. The low cloud didn't delay the start too much, with a gentle westerly wind which went round to north through the day but was so light it was 'no bovver'.
It was soarable from quite early on and Nigel took off to attempt his 2 hour soaring flight, unfortunately a patch of spreadout killed the thermals after an hour. Meanwhile Geoff was sent solo and consolidated this achievement with a further 6-7 during the day. It became soarable again and Bill, Ray B and Ray D had good long flights and had to airbrake down for lunch. In the afternoon, the sky was quite flat, Nigel took the opportunity to get signed off solo aerotow and yellow card. Paul who is working to resolo after 30 years had many circuits. At the end of the afternoon Dave C (one of the course helpers) converted to Junior with a soaring flight.
Congratulations to all, and thanks to Les, Ian and Dave for the seamless ground operation, and Eric & Pete and other Club Instructors for providing the encouragement during the week.
In the evening, a party from the Environment Agency had a variety of winch and aerotows and finished off with a barbeque.