Thursday 7th July

Camphill - The same showery airstream hindered flying for most of the day, although the showers became less frequent in the afternoon, there was not much soaring to speak of. One model was again lost - but found without the help of the 'DSGC Mountain rescue team'. Henry stayed out on the field all evening helping the evening group and flew the local K18 on the ridge.

DSGC Mountain Rescue Team

North Hill - Thursday dawned dry after heavy overnight rain. The campers emerged from their tent a bit damp and bedraggled but still enthusiastic.
A good number or Thursday thermallers turned up and we welcomed two new members, Aston and Michael – we hope to see a lot of them.
Weather was better than forecast and we were able to fly all day in weak thermic conditions with a brisk southerly wind. We handed over to the night shift at 18.00 for a party of scouts. - JSi