Sunday 19th June Magical Mistral tour

After 2 days of damp weather the low pressure over northern Italy set up classic Mistral conditions. The Northwesterly wind started blowing in ernest and required check flights to experience the sporty conditions at La Motte and to learn how to cope with them. The wind also brought clear blue skies and the prospect of wave. JB and I were soon away and climbing on the Lure a perfect wave generator just south west of Sisteron town.Pushing into the 40kt wind was not that easy but M5 made it to Pic de Bure to the north of Gap, but was unable to climb much higher than 12000'.
Pic de Bure (2683m) in the foreground with the Barre des Ecrins (4102m) in the backround.

The views across the mountains were breathtaking and we flew until just before sunset. The next couple of days are looking very promising with classic valley breeze conditions and 4000m cloud bases, fingers crossed!
JB cruising on le Gache